““A tree is our most intimate contact with nature.””
As part our mission to preserve and create an equitable and resilient tree canopy in Durham, we rely on trained Tree Keepers.
Tree Keepers are volunteers who have accumulated the knowledge and skills to assist and serve a leadership role in volunteer tree planting and tree care activities. Tree Keepers lead small groups of volunteers, provide quality control, and teach others how to plant and care for trees.
Tree Keepers can also contribute by “adopting” newly planted street trees near them and helping ensure they remain healthy during the crucial early growth stage the first few years after planting. This can look like pruning, weeding, watering, mulching, or reporting leaning or other health issues to City of Durham Urban Forestry. You can see if there are young trees near you in need of looking after by using this map.
Program partners, Keep Durham Beautiful, City of Durham, and Durham County Cooperative Extension, rely on Tree Keepers to plant, maintain, monitor, celebrate and protect Durham’s Tree Canopy.
Want to become a Tree Keeper?
Minimum requirements include attending two workshops: one on pruning and one on tree planting. After your training we ask that you attend at least one tree planting in that season and utilize your newfound skills to teach others the basics of tree planting care. Not only will you be a steward of the land, but you can share that joy and knowledge with people in your community!
Tree Keepers will have the opportunity to earn incentives, meet likeminded volunteers and build upon their knowledge throughout the year.
The 2024 Tree Keeper Training Series is scheduled for 3 dates in October. Learn more and register here.
Please complete the interest form below to receive training announcements and related updates:
Thank you for your dedication to Durham's canopy and the trees that support a healthy and equitable community!